
physician Injury Case Management

24 Hours a Day   |   Seven Days a Week
Available locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
All calls are handled directly by our experienced physicians.
    • Nationwide network of associated clinics
    • Arrangements with clinics in your area before the accident happens
    • Selection of clinics which communicate effectively with our physicians
    • Direct physician-to-provider interaction for positive outcomes
    • Contemporaneous involvement from the onset
    • Discussion of appropriate treatment options, work status, and follow-up
    • Possible referral in more serious cases.
    • Ongoing discussions and consultation for injury after initial treatment
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The experienced physicians at Midwest Occupational Medicine are available on-call 24 hours per day, seven days a week to help you with injury management consulting – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Our process to assure excellent patient care for injured workers is to get involved early, even before an injury might happen. Midwest Occupational Medicine has established a nationwide network of associated clinics that communicate effectively with our physicians to achieve positive outcomes. We make arrangements with the appropriate clinic in the area in which you will be working – before an accident happens. Whether you are in a permanent location, or your workers travel for temporary assignments across the country, we have connections with a clinic in the area you need. So when an accident occurs, there is a plan in place for evaluation and treatment.

After an accident happens, our physician is notified, and the case is discussed with your safety representative. All calls are handled directly by our physicians. Typically the injured worker is taken to the prearranged facility, occasionally to the Emergency Room in more serious cases. Our physician will discuss the case with the medical provider there. We believe that this physician-to-provider interaction is critical to positive outcomes.  Often only physicians are allowed access to speak with ER and clinic physicians and other providers.

We are contemporaneously involved from the onset and are your best chance at having access to communications with providers. The injured employee benefits from an experienced Occupational Medicine physician who is knowledgeable about the history of a particular injury, the workplace environment, potential exposures, and the physical demands of the job.

Our physician will discuss appropriate treatment options, work status, and follow-up, and possible referral in more serious cases.

We can provide ongoing discussions and consultation for the injury after the initial treatment.

OSHA Recordable / First Aid Definitions

On-site Services

Midwest Occupational Medicine offers the following services on-site.
Respirator Physicals  |  Respirator fit testing (qualitative and quantitative)  |  Laboratory testing  |  Other physicals  |  Temporary and permanent on-site staffing
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Our staff can come directly to your facility to perform: 

  • Drug and Alcohol testing
  • Respirator clearances
  • Respirator Fit testing
  • Pulmonary function
  • PPD skin test
  • CBC with differential, platelets
  • Complete metabolic profile
  • Hepatitis series/vaccinations
  • Lead/ZPP
  • Benzene/urinary phenol/SPMA
  • Hexavalent chromium
  • Cadmium testing
  • Mercury testing
  • RBC cholinesterase
  • Other
  • OSHA Mandated Surveillance

Some restrictions and minimum requirements apply. Please call for information.

Temporary and Permanent On-site Staffing

  • One shift per week to full time
  • On-site staff have access to Medical Providers for guidance
  • We can help design and adapt your available space for a medical area
  • We can help arrange for a medical trailer if needed depending on your specific needs

OSHA Mandated Surveillance

Midwest Occupational Medicine offers the following services on-site and in clinic.
Respirator Clearance  |  Asbestos  |  Benzene  |  Lead  |  Hexavalent Chromium  |  Silica  |  Cadmium  |  Arsenic  |  Hazmat  |  HAZWOPER  |  Dioxin  |  Audiometry  |  Others
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We can perform most OSHA Surveillance Services on-site. Please call for details.

Helpful OSHA Screening and Surveillance Guide

Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Testing

  • Half-face respirators
  • Full-face respirators
  • N-95
  • KN-95
  • SCBA

Pulmonary Function Testing

  • screen lung function
  • respirator clearance
  • OSHA-mandated examinations
  • fitness for duty

Audiometric Testing and Evaluation

  • Baseline and annual testing performed by Midwest Occupational Medicine
  • We can review audio testing done at your facility
  • Determine STS (standard threshold Shift)
  • Assure your organization is in compliance with OSHA Hearing Conservation Standard

Please call for more details.

Injury Management/
workers Compensation

Midwest Occupational Medicine offers the following services on-site, in clinic and through our on-call service.
As specialists in Occupational Medicine, we understand the unique demands companies and employees face with a workplace injury.
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For over thirty years, Midwest Occupational Medicine has been managing Workers’ Compensation injuries. We pride ourselves in always knowing the workplace. We have toured innumerable factories, warehouses, and other places of business, to understand the risks involved in particular types of work and to better understand the mechanics of injuries.

When evaluating an injured worker, we take a comprehensive history, listen carefully to the employee, perform a thorough physical examination, and order appropriate testing when needed. We believe the proper diagnoses cannot be reached without careful listening and observation.

We are well versed in Workers’ Compensation laws and in OSHA rules and regulations,  and the rules involved in Mining, Maritime, and Railroad. We are up to date with the latest testing procedures and utilize the best referral specialists.

We try our best to put all these elements together to ensure good outcomes for employees and employers.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Midwest Occupational Medicine offers the following services on-site and in clinic.
DOT and Non-DOT testing  |  Drug screen collections for many major TPA’s, including DISA and eScreen  |  Rapid testing  |  Post-offer employment  |  Post-accident/injury  |  For cause (reasonable suspicion)  |  Random  |  Return-to-duty   |  Follow-up  |  Breath Alcohol Testing
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Drug and Alcohol testing services can be performed In-Office or On-Site.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

  • Breath Alcohol Testing
  • DOT and Non-DOT testing
  • Drug screen collections for many major TPA’s, including DISA and eScreen
  • Panels- 5, 9, and 10
  • Rapid testing- 5, 9 and 10
  • Saliva
  • Hair collection
  • Post-offer employment
  • Post-accident/injury
  • For cause (reasonable suspicion)
  • Random
  • Return-to-duty 
  • Follow-up

For your convenience, a certified collection technician can be scheduled to your workplace to perform drug screening and breath alcohol testing. Some minimums apply. Please call for more information


Midwest Occupational Medicine offers the following services on-site and in clinic.
    Pre-Placement  |  Return to Work (Occupational / Non Occupational)  |  Firefighter  |  Merchant Marine  |  DOT*  |  Respirator  |  OSHA mandated  |  Fitness for Duty
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    Midwest Occupational Medicine offers a variety of physical exams and the knowledge to keep your company in compliance and your employees healthy.  

    Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration

    * All MOM providers are certified DOT Medical Examiners

    Contact Us

    Corporate Office

    (618) 251-5202


    We do not accept Credit Card Payments at this time.

    Mike Crowe | General Manager

    Jim Chiappa | Client Services Director
